Blog Archive

Monday, March 29, 2010

Get It

A Rock your Face Off Book!
Go Get It....
Nicely done Mark...I am jumping on a plane in 2 weeks to get see Mark do his thing live in DC.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's most important?

What's most important to you? Clearly defined? Do you work on this? Do you constantly check on this?

2 sub-questions:
  1. Does your time reflect this?
  2. Does your money reflect this?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


How about you?
  • Are you all in for an amazing 2010? (no...seriously....all in?)
  • Have you pushed all your chips to the middle of the table or are you holding back?
  • Are you willing to get messy in 2010 in exchange for amazing? messy to amazing
  • Winning Matters! Nothing is better for the human spirit than winning...Are you winning now? Do you have a plan to win in life?
  • Do you have the courage it takes to live the life you want to live?
  • Are you being bold in life?

I'm in!...whatever it takes!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I had a great question asked of me yesterday by Tim Hamilton who designed our website.

If you need a website, call Tim at Astonish Designs! Great dude.

Question: If you were 100% more bold, what you would do?

I love that question and have been really thinking on it. Answer to come after I digest it.

What about you?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Strike Now

Strike while the iron's hot!

For me:
  • Take Vision and turn into Actionable Items!
  • Then do them..
  • Passion and Energy
  • High Payoff Activities only (never do $10 per hour work)
  • It's Go Time! (Don't wait...)

My 5 year old son Teddy and my conversation on a race car he wanted to buy with money he earned:

TT: Dad, we can't wait we have to go now.

Me: Just give me a minute and wait a little bit.

TT: Dad, why wait?

Me: I have no answer for that!

Really....why wait? Strike now for me.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

3 R's with my adversity

I was taught and want to share this mountain moving stuff.

With my pain and adversity, God will:

1. Redeem: God takes my most dreadful pain and does good with it. I don't always see it or understand it, but awesome good comes out of my pain. God will never make me suffer pointlessly.

2. Restore: God will restore my dignity. God always has the last word and the last word with my tough times is always Good! My adversity is not fun to go through but God will make me better because of it.

3. Remember: God always remembers my deepest pains. He never forgets me. God will wipe every single tear from my face.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Do each day all that can be done!

  • Focus on the right activities...the high payoff activities
  • Avoid waste at all costs (law of inertia...keep moving forward)
  • Don't get ahead of ourselves. Do today's work today and tomorrows work tomorrow
  • It's not about how many things you's about how many meaningful things you do
  • Never do $10 per hour work
  • It's all about choices...make good choices (no luck involved)
  • Don't like your results, then change your behaviors
  • Don't ever settle
  • Be patient...success takes time
  • Avoid distractions
  • Track progress to stay on track

The list above represents some of my checklists to take our life (and business) to the next level. The good news, it works. The bad news, it's hard work. But the payoff is well worth the hard effort to achieve some meaningful progress.

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