Blog Archive

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Fear

The greatest life stories are those who don't fear. We all are moved by and attacked to those characters willing to step into huge risks and don't fear the outcomes. One of my favorite movies is Brave heart, where William Wallace is an amazing character because he did not fear anyone. Even grossly outnumbered, William Wallace risk his life in many battles. He was a great character and lived a great life story.

But so many today plan and plot of life story of boring mediocrity. Why? Because they are more concerned about comforts than taking the required risks which are uncomfortable. Most people fear the unknown so they settle for an average life story. That way, although very average, at least it's known. What a shame.

How about you? Are you living a great life story? Are you taking the required risks? Or is your fear holding you back?

No Fear was a brand that energized the youth a few years ago. You saw No Fear shirts, bumper stickers, hats, was all over the place. Today, I think we need an awakening of NO FEAR in our lives!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Chapter

Tomorrow starts a radically NEW chapter in my life. But one certainty I know: it's all about Attitude.

I love NEW:
  • New adventures
  • New challenges
  • New problems
  • New lessons
  • New growth
  • New doors
  • New potential
  • New possibilities
  • New dreams
  • New people
  • New places
  • New purposes
  • New missions
  • New adversity
  • New peace
  • New Hope!

A friend: Chris, I am so bored.

Me: Shame on you...find some New!

On to the NEW!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wake Up!

I need to keeping Waking Up!

The things I worry about or concerned about at times are so silly. I create superficial and artificial battles and concerns that are so silly and meaningless. Want examples?
  • Money
  • Future for my family
  • My comforts (where we are going to live, groceries to buy and paying basic bills)
  • Parenting my two boys

I do want to be fair to myself in that I have made a ton of progress over the last six years. Because six years ago I was so out to lunch and lost that is was ridiculous. Want examples of what I thought about six years ago?

  • Flying by private aircraft
  • Front row seats only
  • Status and Ego
  • American Express Platinum card
  • 1000 in cash always
  • Gambling on sports
  • Eating out daily at the nicest restaurants
  • Swimming pool was warm and workers mowed the yard
  • Tee time at the country club

Progress has been made but still, I worry about silly things. And then I get the needed WAKE UP when I think about the real battles being fought. Consider:

  • 143 million orphans in the world today
  • 400,000 orphans will die this year because of malnutrition
  • 1.2 million children will be involved in child trafficking
  • 950 million people today are hungry
  • 1 billion people today do not have safe drinking water
  • 50 million of my fellow Americans are depressed and sad (27% of our population)
  • Today, brothers and sisters of mine in Jesus are going to be killed because of their faith
  • Today, a brother in Christ will be beaten so bad he will not be recognizable because he loves Jesus

My lack of a 401(k) is totally meaningless. My concern about paying my bills is so silly. My worry about my comforts is nonsense. My selfish uneasiness about my future and my family's future loses it's importance in comparison to the real battles being fought.

I need to get on with the program and WAKE UP to the real battles and then do something about it. These little issues I worry about need to stop. And then re-direct my efforts and life to helping solve the real battles being waged every day. This is what I have been working very hard on for the last several months. There has been an intense transformation and re-calibration in my soul. I am not sure where Jesus will take me but I know it's going to be a unbelievable ride. Stay tuned in...the story is just started!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What really matters?

I have a new fear about succeeding at things that really don't matter. I think in today's world we are all graded and labeled by society standards. But do most of those things really matter?

And so I am really working on making sure I don't succeed at things that really don't matter.

Things like:
  • Does money really matter?
  • Does status really matter?
  • Does ego stroked things really matter?
  • Does position really matter?
  • Does material things really matter?
  • Does a house or car really matter?

Being a Christian, the Bible speaks clearly on what really matters and it's LOVE. And all the rest really doesn't matter.

How about you? What are you really trying to succeed at? And does it really matter?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

4 lessons for my kids

Someone asked me about a year ago what was the most important lessons I wanted to teach my kids. It was a great question. And I really wasn't all that clear in my answers or certainly as clear as I should have been. I rambled on and of course had ideas I wanted Teddy and Tate to learn. But I really wasn't all that clear. So I have worked on that and now am very clear.
  1. Humility
  2. Generosity
  3. Thankfulness
  4. Courage

As a Dad, I have my work cut out because they follow the leader. I have to be the example. And this is huge responsibly that keeps me up at night because the margin for error is zero.

Monday, December 13, 2010

That Place This Place

I am going through this place in order to get to a better place.

Fun? NO
Enjoyable? NO
Like it? NO
Looking forward to it? NO
Want others to go there to? NO
Necessary?'s the only way!

But I have to go through these crazy storms in order to get to where I want to go. Where do I want to go? In a word PEACE! Specifically God's peace. So why are the storms necessary? I don't have all the answers yet but there are four concepts I am sure of:
  • Trust God completely with my life
  • Obedience in God's word
  • Priorities by putting Jesus above all else
  • Selfless with others before me

And these just are not fancy buzz words or "yeah that's really cute speaker-boy..." type noisy conversations; but rather concepts seeping deep into my spirit.

So maybe your storms are not so bad? Possibly your adversity is a good thing? Could it be that your tough times are really disguised as opportunities? Maybe it's all intentional to get you from that place over to this place....just like I am going through now.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


As far as I can tell Life is a Journey.
  • We are all going somewhere
  • We are all going somewhere in some manner
  • We are all going somewhere in some manner with some others

For me, I had to re-think everything when I learned this. I wrestled for months and hundreds hours with notebooks full of notes. Do I have a destination? Am I pleased with where I am going? Am I "all-in" on my journey? Am I doing this life the right way? Am I doing this life with the right people? Am I transparent and the real deal?

The stakes are high for me. I have no margin for error. I have to get this right. Statistically, I am in the second half of my life having lived 14,667 days.

It's hard work but so worth it. There was a ton I didn't like. There was much I was embarrassed about. But the re-direction has been every bit worth it.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The What and the How

In my experience the WHAT will always come before the how. But earlier in my life, I got stuck with my total obsession on the how and forgetting the what. This lead to a sluggish life with not much forward momentum or impact.
But I have learned to focus almost entirely on the What with very little time or energy on the how. And the results have been so much better. The how will come. The how will just happen. The how will follow the what.

But so many people don't have a What. They don't have a prize, a purpose or a passion. And just settling for daily living. Good people with good intentions but still just daily existence. And a few decades past and they look back with not much being done with a life. All because there was no What. Life will get us busy busy busy distracting us from living for a what...

And then there are a few that do have a what but they don't start because of the obsession of the how. The details de-rail them or scare them from taking the step on the journey to achieving their what. Looks like this:
  • I am too old
  • I am too young
  • I don't have enough money
  • I have to pay my bills
  • I don't have the time
  • I would to but
  • If only

And sadly the result is a life of mediocrity.

The formula that has worked best for me is to dominate my time, energy, spirit, and prayer on the What and trusting the how will follow and happen.

(artwork by me and my 5 year old son Teddy)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Different Approach

Living from a vision and purpose has been a huge part of my life. I am all in on those principles. However I have shifted my thinking a little on this. Let me explain. I used to be very focused on achievements and lists with my goals and vision in my life. I have one shot at this rodeo called a life; what I am going to do with it? It just makes complete sense to me that I should find a purpose and chase that with everything I got. I still think that.

But instead of focusing on achievements and things I need to accomplish, I have been more focused on the vision of the person I want to be. Achievements are good and I still have my list of things I need to accomplish but over the last several months, it has taken a back seat to the vision of what kind of person I want to become.

Putting the vision of my character secondary to the vision of my accomplishments has been a mistake. The vision of the person I want to become is far more important the my vision of things I need to accomplish with my life. Correction made and progress is on-going. And this process has been so cool. I just have this vision of what kind of person I want to be and it is so energizing.

How about you? Do you have a written vision for the person you want to be? Remember, if you don't define "it" you will never reach "it".

Friday, November 05, 2010

I'm just saying...

Isn't it true that we often we scared to say things to the people we care about most? We can't stand the thought of the closet to us rejecting us. So we play it safe and don't say what we should or want to say.

We should care more about our friends than the friendship.

And for us Christians, this is it. We need to speak up for Jesus so that one day He will speak up for us.

Monday, November 01, 2010


Have you ever gone through something hard and when you got done, you were glad you did?And then you experienced improvement and wished you would have done that earlier? I hear these stories often with physical activities...for example running a marathon. The training is so tough and then comes the event, the marathon is accomplished and these people feel great. I don't get it but I hear it. I don't want to drive 25 miles let alone run it.

I have been going through something very tough that I want to share with you because I wished I would have done it earlier. It's called THINKING! Or more like re-thinking is more accurate. But nevertheless, taking time away from "real life" and actually thinking. It's so easy to get caught up into ruts and routines and repeating the same behavior week after week and year after year. And with that comes more of the same!

I hate that. I don't want more of the same. I want improvement. But with improvement requires change. And with change come re-thinking how we are doing things.

For me I have been taking time to Re-Think my life! I know..just a small little project. It's hard. It's tough. There is a ton I don't like. There is stuff that can't stay. But it's so worth it in the end.

Some work product:
  • What are you really doing?
  • Are you holding back? What areas? Why? What are you going to do about it?
  • Are you settling in any area? If so, why? When you are going to change this?
  • What significant next step are you willing to take?
  • What are you going to do to get uncomfortable?
  • Are you happy with the use of your time, talent, and money?
  • Have you removed all regrets?

It's time to THINK...or RE-THINK!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sick Cool

Now that's what I call Doing Church....Hillsong NYC style!
Ohhh...yeah I almost forgot; that's the very first service too! Boom
Simply put: It's an amazing movement of God!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hillsong NYC...

Just got back from NYC where one of the world's best churches just launched!

Hillsong is now in NYC baby!

What an amazing movement from God....when was the last time there was thousands of people standing and waiting in line to go to your local church? For Hillsong NYC, it was there very first service. Yes that's right. The very first service had a line of thousands waiting to attend Hillsong Church.

Hillsong is an awesome example of things we talk about in our speeches....starting with Leaders who love to Dream Huge God sized Dreams (and ignore the outside negative opinions.) And then flat out Go For It! And that's the problem for most people is it takes both...The Dream plus the Execution!

Hillsong NYC....what's it like?
  • Fresh and Hip
  • High positive energy
  • wadding in the kiddie pool allowed
  • Teamwork...leaders serving ....yes the leaders leading by serving...servant hearts!
  • Awesome Leadership...Well Done Carl!
  • Big Huge Dreams
  • Challenging and pushing to get comfort zones allowed

This is a movement from God....and was incredible. As I told my awesome pastor Mac Richard from Lake Hills Church in Austin (and LHC is on fire too), I have to put this positive energy to work and leverage it!

Just watch Hillsong NYC...because years and years from now, it will stand huge and tall!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pain provides Clarity

One of the most important lessons I have learned is CLARITY!

To do greater things, I have to be crystal clear on my purpose and vision. I can't accomplish what I need to if it's not very clear. In others words, I will never achieve "it" if I don't' know what "it" is.

How do I get clarity of purpose? So many times it comes from a source that we often comes from pain. Pain provides clarity. That doesn't mean it feels good or is fun to go through but it is so needed. So if you, like me, are going through adversity, it's OK....we are growing and getting clarity so we can take these experiences and leverage them for the good!

Got Pain?

Pain... the gift for clarity!

(my son Teddy having a bad day but his pain provided I'm Hungry!)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Proud of my Pup!

The comments below are from Teddy's teacher:

Please give Teddy compliments. Your son is such a gentleman. Grace had a lot of stuff to carry in her backpack. It was so heavy she didn't think she could carry it to the gym after school. Teddy volunteered to carry it for her. It was a very sweet, thoughtful gesture. It touched my heart.

I tell my kids all the time that they can't be too nice. But guess what? It starts with me as their Dad. And totally imperfect as I am, I need to work on this and get better so I can set a better example for them to follow.

My test: Do my kids see Jesus through my actions and behavior?

Good day and Goodnight: Wow...lot's of room for improvement...back to work!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The only thing better than Amy's ice cream is FREE Amy's ice cream. I had a certificate for free Amy's ice cream given to me some time ago. And you know how life can be where we forget things and put off things. So a couple days ago, it felt like an Amy's ice cream day...just one of those days where I had to get me some Amy's Mexican Vanilla. I remembered my gift certificate. The only problem: It was expired.

I missed my moment. And that got me thinking about my life:
  • Pay Attention
  • Take Inventory
  • Don't Ever Miss My Moment!
  • Step up when it's my turn

What about you? Are you maximising all your moments? If not, it's time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

For me (and maybe you too)

The British government created this poster in 1939 at the beginning of WWII. In case of an invasion, the government wanted a message to rally around and unite.

I don't know about you, but today, I need this!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NFL Picks

My Superbowl Picks:

AFC Colts defeat Dolphins

NFC Packers defeat Giants

Superbowl Colts defeat Packers

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

No Set Backs...Just Set Ups!

Sometimes our set backs become set ups!

One of the lessons I have learned (and still learning) is to take my adversity and use it for positive purposes. And to do this, I have to change the way I look at my set backs. When I change the way I look at things, the things I look at change. So instead of having a pity party and seeing my adversity as a set back, I choose a different path. And that path is to view my tough times as a Set Up for something amazing...A Miracle!

My tough times are an huge opportunity for a Miracle! My pain is setting me up for something truly amazing. My crisis is just a season that will pass and bloom into the beautiful.

No set backs for me....just set ups for something amazing!

Artwork: by me. (sadly I me)

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

One Sentence

The following is an abbreviated transcript from a phone call today.

Q: Chris, in one sentence, tell me about your motivational seminar.

A: I talk about things that matter to people who care.

Hello and Goodnight.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

On the radar screen

I have been asked by so many people if I would do a book. Timing is everything. I took me a long time to think through this...things like:
  • What would I have to say that anyone would care about?
  • When?
  • How?
  • What purpose?
  • What audience?

After two years, I have worked through most of these and I am ready to start this journey.

So a book is coming...buckle up.

Friday, August 27, 2010


There are only two activities:

1. Ones that make you money

2. Ones that don't make you money

Not being very smart, I vote to only do the ones that make us money!


  • Do you know what activities make you money? (intentionality to this process)
  • Do you only do those and discard all the rest?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My oldest son Teddy started kindergarten yesterday!

The journey has begun....speaking of the journey here is what I have found about my own journey:
  • The destination is so secondary to the lessons learned as you stroll down the path of life

Sometimes very painful. Sometimes they sting. Always uncomfortable. But critical in our growth and development in character and as people.

What lessons are you learning now?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dumpster Fire

One of the critical areas I have been working on for the last few years is this:

  • Throw away non productive activities!

My time is a limited and valuable resource. So is my focus. So is my energy. I have to maximize all of these and I can't do it with non-productive wasters. I need to throw those in the dumpster.

So every week I audit my behaviors and time to make sure I throw away all non productive activities. You will be amazed when you audit your time and behaviors on how much waste and energy sucking activities we allow. Throw those in the dumpster today!

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Teddy at Yankee Stadium

I just wish Teddy and I had more fun at the Yankees Stadium...joking of course.

But this is the reason why I own a business so we can enjoy these types of times where we mix work and play together...but it's really not work because I love what I do. Win-Win!

And doesn't it make sense to have a career and absolutely love what you do for a living?

As one of my mentors taught me: Find what you love and you will never work another day in your life. That made so much sense I followed that advice with everything I had. We have hosted 7 events in the last 10 days...that's 42 hours of speaking...a ton...but not once did it ever feel like work. That's called the hitting the sweet spot in life!

How about you? Do you love what you do? Are you following your passions? Are you living by default or design? Are you making your dream job a reality?

If not, why not? What are you waiting for?

The future is coming one way or in two years doesn't it make sense to do what you love? So start today and start making that a reality!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Invisible and Visible

It's our invisible the leads to our visible.

Where are you at today with your invisible?
  • Dreams
  • Desires
  • Vision
  • Good Ol' Fashion Guts
  • Attitude
  • Emotional Fortitude

Do you have a raging burning fire deep in your guts driving your behavior towards something very specific?...or just going through the motions.

If not, what are you waiting for?

If so...rock on!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Winning Matters.

I am in NYC and heading to the Yankees game tonight. I can't help but think of George Steinbrenner who died recently when I think of winning.

Possibly the best medicine for the human spirit is winning.

Are you winning today?

If not, why not?

And what are you going to do about it?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Self Motivation!

The best motivation is self motivation.

In my life journey, I have found this to be true: When you know what you want, and you really want it, you will find a way to get it.

  • How about you today?
  • Are you self motivated?
  • Do you really know what you want?
  • Do you love your job?
  • Do you love where you live?
  • Do you go for it in life?

If not, what are you waiting for?

Friday, July 02, 2010

Positive Reactions

I have been really working on putting problems into proper perspective.

At the core, we only have two options with an event:
  • Positive Reaction
  • Negative Reaction

With only a limited amount of time and energy I have been gifted, doesn't it make sense to really focus on only positive reactions? What good comes from negative reactions?

So with my energy and time here are my choices:

  • Productive Use: faith, family, love, serve others, help, care, make a difference, have an impact
  • Non-Productive: drama, fight, resistance, over reactions, focus on small meaningless details

My work is to take events and react positively by using my limited time and energy in a productive manner. Easier said than done....but then again, when it's all said and done for me, I want it to be said: Chris did more than he said...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Missing vs Messing

Messing Up = So What
Missing Out = Not an Option!
There are two regrets:
  1. Regret of Inaction
  2. Regret of Action

When it's all said and done for me, which one do you think will sting? Yes!...regret of inaction will heat blister my soul.

So I step out to step up! After all Chris, what are you waiting for?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Be Different

  • Stand out
  • Different
  • Be Dramatically Different
  • Ultimately Unique
  • Separation from the others
  • Why you?
  • Opposite of what everyone else does and says
  • Take road never traveled or at minimum road less traveled
  • Go Chic and Unique
  • Don't do cliques
  • Avoid cliche at all costs
  • How exciting is predictable? Jokes aren't funny when you know the punch line

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Sprinkle a heavy dose of paprika of PASSION on your business and life!

  • How much spice do you have right now?
  • What are you waiting for?
  • Why not?
  • Be Different...separate from the "pack" fact be DD...Dramatically Different!
  • Try It...Screw up....And Try again
  • It's Go Time!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Adversity = Assets

I spent some time with an awesome company in Austin TX and the CEO asked me to describe one critical element I see in successful companies and successful people.
My response was that they view adversity as assets.
One thing you and I are both promised is tough times. That's a given. It will happen. But I think the key rests in how we deal with those tough times. Now I fully understand this is much easier said than done...but we really only have two choices:
  • Move On and Grow...View as an Asset
  • Pity Party...decline and go backwards

Also understand, I am not saying these are Yippee, Fun Times, let's all just get better and grow... That's BS! The reality is that some of these times really stink and are no fun at all. But, we still really only have two options.

In our work we see some mountain movin' folks and they really do view their hard times as assets to learn, grow, and launch them to the next level.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Do you have an intense burning desire towards something very specific?

Yes = Vision!

No = Why not?

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Death of a Legend

One of my favorite people ever, John Wooden, died yesterday.

If you want to learn leadership, purpose, motivation, right living, and much more, go buy his books.

Thanks Coach Wooden!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

My Words List

Words matter. What words do you think about? What words do you use? From my journal:

  • Dreams
  • Vision
  • Excited
  • Growth
  • Forward
  • Fun
  • Simple
  • Peace
  • Passion
  • Maximize
  • WOW!
  • Amazing
  • Go
  • Change
  • What's next
  • Inspired

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Less Talking More Action

I think we would all be much better off with less talking and more action.

Execution. Doing. Action. Take Steps. Move. Do Something. Go.

My friend Alan Graham from Mobile Loaves and Fishes talks about this all the time. We can talk about homelessness all we want but at some point we have to go fix it. Alan doesn't talk, he just provides daily miracles! And that's a pretty good life formula.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bam! Power...

Now that's some serious POWER!
I have been thinking and working on the word power lately. Some of my notes:
  • Power in messaging
  • Power of inspiration
  • Power in freedom
  • Power of forgiveness
  • Power of less
  • Power of dreaming
  • Power of financial freedom
  • Power of confidence
  • Power of excellence
  • Power of passion
  • Power of time
  • Power of action
  • Power of miracles

And you?

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Graduate!

Teddy graduated yesterday from pre-school!

Me: Teddy, you did great. I am proud of you TT. Take a look because you won't be coming back here.

Teddy: I am ready to go to the next school.

Me: I am ready for What's Next too Teddy!

What's Next for me?

No Idea but it's the journey that matters and not the destination. It's what I learn and how I character not circumstances. My journey:
  • Bumpy
  • Often messy
  • Absolutely flawed
  • Fun most of the time
  • Filled to the brim of uncertainty
  • Full Passion Pail most of the time
  • Pretty deep
  • 100% Dependant because I can't do this life on my own...for me I depend on a 33 year carpenter and rabbi called Jesus of Nazareth
  • And I own it...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two Questions....

To continue to reach my potential....and keep on keepin' on, I ask myself two powerful questions that I want you to consider:

  1. So What? and
  2. Now What?

Friday, May 14, 2010

What about you today?

Are you?
  • Motivated
  • Inspired
  • Excited
  • Amped Up
  • On Fire
  • Energized
  • Carbonated
  • Sparked
  • Spurred
  • Geeked
  • Caffeinated
  • Alive
  • Jacked up
  • Snappy
  • Moved
  • Electrified
  • Charged
  • En Fuego

Or translation as the kids would say...How full is your passion bucket?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Dreams + Little Actions

Big Dreams + Little Actions = WOW LIFE and WOW Experience!

My Little Boy with BIG DREAMS!

What if we just go back to Dreaming like Little Kids? Thanks Tate!

Thursday, May 06, 2010


What if we changed from:

I, ME, and MY


US, WE, and OUR

I think we can change the world from dark to LIGHT!

And it starts one person at a time.

My essence that is written all over the place is simply this:

Today, you can change the life of another human being!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Think ??

Think about this:

What if your dream life is really right in front of you only to be disguised as your adversity and wrapped in fear?
Now what?
What are you going to do with this?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Chasing Daylight

If you were told you only have 100 days to live what would you do?

This was Gene O'Kelly's reality.

Go buy this mountain moving book to find out from a Type A, Fortune 50, hugely successful CEO what he did and wants to teach you...

I read this 4 years ago and just re-read it again. It changed my life and maybe you too...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What if we would not resist, but actually embrace uncertainty? Yes embrace uncertainty!

I think the results would be amazing!

Give it some thought.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Right Wrong

The right place often seems like the wrong place. And the wrong place often seems like the right place.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Don't Slack on the Lack

Don't Slack on the Lack.

The Lacks can will cause chaos in our business and lives. Let's focus and put intentionality to your Lacks.

Some common Lacks:
  • Lack in planning
  • Lack of motivation
  • Lack of systems
  • Lack in time management
  • Lack of cash
  • Lack of focus
  • Lack of inspiration
  • Lack of creativity
  • Lack of proper behaviors

What's yours?

Stop being slack on your lacks. But rather pay attention and fix the Lack in your business and amazing results will happen.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

NBA Playoffs

Here are my predictions for the NBA playoffs:

First Round:
Cavs over Bulls
Heat over Boston
Atlanta over Bucks
Orlando over Bobcats
Lakers over Thunder
Utah over Denver
Suns over Blazers
Spurs over Mavs

Cavs over Heat
Orlando over Atlanta
Lakers over Utah
Spurs over Suns

Conference Finals:
Cavs over Orlando
Lakers over Spurs

NBA Champion:
Cavs...LeBron gets his first ring!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Get On With It!

Last week I was feeling down and out. I was an emotional a funk. I was having "one of those days" that actually turned into a couple of those days strung together.

But when looking back, a major part of the my problem was caused because I was the center of attention. Basically, I was having a pity party. And there is never a positive outcome when you host a pity party.

Here is what I did to break out of this self absorbed slump. It's a two prong formula:
  1. I took the attention off of me and back to my missions...shift attention to my sons Teddy and Tate, my wife, my work, my family, and some fun.
  2. I got back to producing...back to execution of the most important producing activities.
So if you are in a funk, I want you to know I understand. I get it. And I want to share with you that there are options to get out. Today, you can break free by shifting the attention from the short the long term...your life's mission. And second, Get on With It! Pick yourself up, dust off, and let's rock and roll!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

No Weak Goals

The goal of life can't be just to arrive at the finish safely.

Below are common words when I ask people to tell me about their life goals:
  • Comfortable
  • Safe
  • Steady and Easy
  • Things and Stuff
  • Good
  • Predictable
  • Enjoyable

That is just too weak. We can do more.

Here is my list:
  • Uncomfortable
  • Amazing
  • Blazing fast
  • Depth from experiences
  • Focus on eternal
  • Messy
  • Crazy
  • Coo-Coo...You are nuts
  • God inspired
  • God sized

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

2010 Baseball Predictions

The great American past time is back. It's baseball season and here are my predictions.


East: Yankees

Central: Twins

West: Rangers

Wildcard: Rays

Champion: Yankess


East: Phillies

Central: Cardinals

West: Rockies

Wildcard: Braves

Champion: Rockies

World Series: Yankees vs Rockies

2010 World Champion: Yankees

Monday, April 05, 2010

Growth hurts

Growth stings and sometimes is very painful. That's the part that nobody tells you.

But in order for me to improve, it involves some bumps and bruises along the journey...even some broken bones can be expected.

Flat out...growth hurts.

I remember having growing pains as a kid. Man, there were some nights that I couldn't sleep because my legs hurt so much. I hated those nights. But in the end, I made it through it all and grew because of those growing pains.

Same is true with my soul and emotional life path. In my growth process, some days sting and hurt. But it's all part of the process to get better. In order for me to improve as a person and become a better human being, I am going to have to continue to grow...and that means continue to be messed up from time to time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Get It

A Rock your Face Off Book!
Go Get It....
Nicely done Mark...I am jumping on a plane in 2 weeks to get see Mark do his thing live in DC.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's most important?

What's most important to you? Clearly defined? Do you work on this? Do you constantly check on this?

2 sub-questions:
  1. Does your time reflect this?
  2. Does your money reflect this?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


How about you?
  • Are you all in for an amazing 2010? (no...seriously....all in?)
  • Have you pushed all your chips to the middle of the table or are you holding back?
  • Are you willing to get messy in 2010 in exchange for amazing? messy to amazing
  • Winning Matters! Nothing is better for the human spirit than winning...Are you winning now? Do you have a plan to win in life?
  • Do you have the courage it takes to live the life you want to live?
  • Are you being bold in life?

I'm in!...whatever it takes!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I had a great question asked of me yesterday by Tim Hamilton who designed our website.

If you need a website, call Tim at Astonish Designs! Great dude.

Question: If you were 100% more bold, what you would do?

I love that question and have been really thinking on it. Answer to come after I digest it.

What about you?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Strike Now

Strike while the iron's hot!

For me:
  • Take Vision and turn into Actionable Items!
  • Then do them..
  • Passion and Energy
  • High Payoff Activities only (never do $10 per hour work)
  • It's Go Time! (Don't wait...)

My 5 year old son Teddy and my conversation on a race car he wanted to buy with money he earned:

TT: Dad, we can't wait we have to go now.

Me: Just give me a minute and wait a little bit.

TT: Dad, why wait?

Me: I have no answer for that!

Really....why wait? Strike now for me.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

3 R's with my adversity

I was taught and want to share this mountain moving stuff.

With my pain and adversity, God will:

1. Redeem: God takes my most dreadful pain and does good with it. I don't always see it or understand it, but awesome good comes out of my pain. God will never make me suffer pointlessly.

2. Restore: God will restore my dignity. God always has the last word and the last word with my tough times is always Good! My adversity is not fun to go through but God will make me better because of it.

3. Remember: God always remembers my deepest pains. He never forgets me. God will wipe every single tear from my face.

Monday, March 08, 2010


Do each day all that can be done!

  • Focus on the right activities...the high payoff activities
  • Avoid waste at all costs (law of inertia...keep moving forward)
  • Don't get ahead of ourselves. Do today's work today and tomorrows work tomorrow
  • It's not about how many things you's about how many meaningful things you do
  • Never do $10 per hour work
  • It's all about choices...make good choices (no luck involved)
  • Don't like your results, then change your behaviors
  • Don't ever settle
  • Be patient...success takes time
  • Avoid distractions
  • Track progress to stay on track

The list above represents some of my checklists to take our life (and business) to the next level. The good news, it works. The bad news, it's hard work. But the payoff is well worth the hard effort to achieve some meaningful progress.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I don't know...

It's not what you know that is important. Real maturity is knowing how much you don't know.

I have to keep things really simple.

  • Don't do meth
  • My kids shouldn't use a chain saw
  • Being on stilts is never a good idea

That's about all I really know.

Outside of this, there is so much I don't know! But the pursuit continues....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunset in the ATX!

There are amazing things right in front of us every single day.

I have been working on this and certainly still am working on: Pay Attention!

So many we speak to and work with tell us the struggles of daily life. They are running around a million miles per hour...rushing here and rushing there. And when you live in this havoc pace, you can't live in the moment.

We have been working on:

  • Slow Down
  • Less is more
  • Pay Attention
  • Conscious Living
  • Pay Attention
  • In the moment moments
  • Stop and smell the roses
  • Stop and pay attention to the sunset on Lake Travis in Austin TX!

It's completely opposite as society tells me...but it's the right path.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Clear Thinking?

With all the noise and chaos around today, I need to make sure I don't fall captive to all those distractions. I need to make sure I have clear thinking.

I seek clarity:
  • Clarity of thought
  • Clarity of focus
  • Clarity of priorities
  • Clarity of time
  • Clarity of strategy
  • Clarity of relationships
  • Clarity of vision
  • Clarity of marketing
  • Clarity of purpose
  • Clarity of my business

It doesn't come easy. To gain clarity, it takes hard work and being very intentional.

But the payoff is huge. And when I have clarity, it's like clear blue water. Amazing!

What about you?

Do you have clarity? Or do you need to work on it? Spend some time on seeking clarity, because the return on this investment is unbelievable!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Managing inventory is a huge issue in the marketplace. Those that can get the most r.o.i out of their inventory have a huge competitive advantage. Organizations, the good ones, spend tons of hours managing inventory and it is a absolute focus.

But what our in our lives?

Do we take inventory?

Do we make sure we have the right inventory (priorities)?

Do we make sure we are getting the best r.o.i. out of our life?

Here is my inventory:
  • My relationship with Jesus Christ and My Faith
  • My wife Kelly and our marriage
  • My boys Teddy and Tate
  • My work and company
  • My relationships
  • My impact and serving others
  • My time and my money...are they in line with the above?

Not even close to where I want to be but on the journey nevertheless...

Friday, February 05, 2010

My stupid thinking...

My Pity Party (a couple days ago)

Nobody shows up. Nobody signs up for that event. Nobody cares.

I should just stop having them.

And how about this Chris?

Turn problems into possibilities!

Yes, that makes more sense.

I think I will change my thinking today!

Man, there are days where I frustrate myself with my stupid thinking. I know there is no bigger waste of time and energy than on self pity. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's negative and produces nothing but junk and funk. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's against what I believe in. But yet I did it. Why? I know nobody wants to participate and talk about my pity problems. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's taking my life backwards. But yet I did it. Why?

I don't know.

But I do know this. I can change my thinking. And when I change my thinking, my outcomes will also change. And when my outcomes change, my life changes. And when my life changes, I can do my job of helping others change their life a whole lot better.

On with the change....

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My questions for today?

Some questions I am thinking about in our business:

  • What new and creative message can I get out? (Must be Innovative!)
  • How can I reach more people? (Must be Diligent)
  • What new accountability's can I put in place? (Must have be purpose driven)
  • When to start new programs? (Goals with passion and avoid procrastination)
  • Why go through all this hard work? (Relationships matter most!)

Some questions I am thinking about in life:

  • Why are people losing sight of the important priorities? (relationships vs watch some more TV...helping others vs buy more's not all about me vs it's all about me...go to the park with my family vs go to the mall)..And what can I do about this?
  • What do bad things happen to good people? (My 38 year old fraternity brother dying with 3 young girls)
  • Why is fear so controlling and what can I do to overcome it?
  • What can I do to be more transparent?
  • Who discovered coffee?
  • Why does health care need to be some complicated and broken?
  • If money were not an issue....then what?
  • What can I do to master peace of mind?
  • What can I do to take my relationship with Jesus to the next level?
  • Why does my son Teddy ask so many questions? I wonder where he gets this from?

Today, it's only questions with no answers.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Communication...yeah it kind of matters!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3 questions

The three most important a business or organization must answer:

1. What do you do?

2. What makes you unique?

3. Why should I do business with you?

These must be answered using a two part formula of:
  • Clear +
  • Motivating

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Change your place

I am in Dallas all week. I love changes of environments. A new setting = new insights.

Change of place + Change of pace = Change of Perspective!

When is the last time you changed your surroundings intentionally to get new ideas and fresh approaches?

Try works

Thursday, January 14, 2010 flat tire

This was flat this morning.

I had two choices; one was to let to ruin my day and be in a funk and not get anything done today or....second was to go with the flow and not allow it to affect me.

I choose the second.

These "issues" we face every day are all just relative and need to be put in proper perspective. Give me a break, you think I am going to allow a flat tire to throw me off course for the day? Nope, not today, thanks for playing. Now was it fun to deal with this? No. But hey, put it in big picture lens of my life. Not a big deal so that is how I reacted.

Five years ago, my reaction would have been the opposite. I would have thought the world was coming to an end, been really mad, and a mess for the entire day. But I have learned, the hard way, that all life's problems are really learning opportunities in disguise.

For today anyway, I think I passed the test.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Blanket of Clouds

One of my mentors taught me to slow down every single day and find a miracle.

Amazing advice. Try it.

14,000 ft descending into Austin TX!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

All over the place today

Have a Do It Now Mindset. Fear stinks. Why Not? The Orange test: When I squeeze oranges I get orange juice, when I squeeze you what comes out? i love the water. re-actions are more important than actions. Ignore Society...stick to your own plan and don't get distracted by outside white noise. pre-decisions are more important than decisions. Big Dreams Rock! study success. surround yourself with successful peeps. caffeinated life only. attitude matters a ton.Vision 1st...tasks later. people more important than message. Best Story Wins! greatness is inside you...motivate it out. winning matters. don't let time talk you out of your dreams. go to work to work.have fun. my kids are cute. burn calories for your cause. have a great day!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Safe is not the goal

There has to be more than just the goal of arriving safely. There has to be more than the goal of just surviving.

For me, it's about making a impact; about speaking to the potential of others by making a splash. Well to do that, I have had to take on risks (and still taking them). With risks and living on the edge come some serious ass kicking. I have enough for all of us. But with everyone of them come huge lessons that afterwards, I would not change for anything!
My lessons on adversity:
  • It's at the storms of my life that I found God
  • God wastes no pain
  • It's not about my circumstances but rather God will get make terribly uncomfortable and full of messes in order to improve our relationship. And for that, I am incredibly thankful.
  • Turn problems into possibilities
  • View each pain as an education opportunity. (I am a Ph D)
  • Focus on what I can control and nothing else
  • Let go to go up (give up white knuckling my life and my circumstances)
  • Stop being self absorbed. Be small. Humble is a huge life lesson
  • One day at a time. Live in the NOW.
  • When I am on the floor, at least I can't fall off (perspective)
  • Master Time (take in all conscious moments intentionally)
  • Be committed to my vision and my dreams even in the huge storms of my life

I have learned the hard way but the right way that adversity is healthy! That doesn't mean it's fun or enjoyable but neither is cough syrup. But adversity like cough syrup, it's needed and healthy.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Love My Punks!

Some lessons these two miracles have taught me:
  • One size doesn't fit all...everyone has a unique code to unlock the potential. It's my job as a leader to figure out what key works and what buttons to push.
  • Time is the most important issue to master on the planet. Time, priorities, and behaviors...Are they all consistent? Are they properly managed? Are they maximized each day? It's a stewardship issue at the core.
  • Go. Set. Ready....It's Go Time! What are we waiting for? Why are holding back? Why not?
    "Dad, let's GO!" ...No One is Lazy in Lazy Town...Go Go...(see Nick Jr Lazy Town show)
  • Key element of joyful life = being able to laugh at yourself.

Teddy: Dad what are those lines on your head?

Me: Where?

Teddy: There (as he points to my wrinkles on my forehead!)

Me: Now that is funny!

  • Imagination is huge! With time and as we get older we tend to limit our imaginations. Mistake. Dreaming is crucial and we need to apply intentionality in using our imaginations. "Dad, can you believe Santa showed up and was here?"
  • Don't listen to society's advice and their barometer on success. "Dad, let's just take a rest."

I always say that I learn more from my kids than any other source. I got some smart dudes and Thank You Jesus for those miracles.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Jasper Toe Story

At some point, we need to take action!

At some point, we need to spend the energy!

At some point, we need to turn nouns into verbs!

Are you ready to make 2010 the year of impact and action?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Unsustainable Pace

Too many people are living life at an unsustainable pace.

A friend of mine sent me a message about how shocked he was the the head football coach of Florida, Urban Meyer, would resign from one of the best jobs in his profession. How could you resign from a dream job and when you are at the top of your profession was the question asked of me. I wasn't shocked at all. Why?Because I see it every single day where people, just like Coach Meyer, are burning life at both ends and running at a pace that just can't be sustained for the long haul.

Is this called burnout? No. This is much more of a problem than "burnout." Burnout is a short term energy and passion issue where as this is something much more. This is crazy life pace is a long term strategy that won't work. It's a loser. And part of the problem is society's barometer for success is completely wrong. Society tells us the most successful are the busiest people. WRONG! In my economy, the most successful are those who achieve the most. Let's not mistake activities for achievements!

How can I get out of this rat race and losing life strategy?
  • 30 mins of quiet every single day. Complete isolation daily.
  • Constant auditing of your time. Where is it going? Are you doing the right things with your time? Are you working on the most productive things? How much true waste in time do you have per week?
  • Cut out all busyness and busy-bee activities.
  • Be Accountable (and if you can't do it yourself, find a partner to help you)
  • Start each day with a plan.
  • Say NO! You will have to learn to say NO more than yes to most requests of your time.
  • Stop and notice each day a miracle (sunrise, sunset, rain storm, a baby, blue sky, a laughing child, a loving family, husband and wife sharing life, the ocean,....they are all over but you need to stop and train yourself to see them)
Don't buy the hype. Don't listen to society. Being more busy is not better! It's a long term losing strategy. There is a better way. Slow down. Make a difference. Do the things that have an high impact and cut out the rest.
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