Blog Archive

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sick Cool

Now that's what I call Doing Church....Hillsong NYC style!
Ohhh...yeah I almost forgot; that's the very first service too! Boom
Simply put: It's an amazing movement of God!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hillsong NYC...

Just got back from NYC where one of the world's best churches just launched!

Hillsong is now in NYC baby!

What an amazing movement from God....when was the last time there was thousands of people standing and waiting in line to go to your local church? For Hillsong NYC, it was there very first service. Yes that's right. The very first service had a line of thousands waiting to attend Hillsong Church.

Hillsong is an awesome example of things we talk about in our speeches....starting with Leaders who love to Dream Huge God sized Dreams (and ignore the outside negative opinions.) And then flat out Go For It! And that's the problem for most people is it takes both...The Dream plus the Execution!

Hillsong NYC....what's it like?
  • Fresh and Hip
  • High positive energy
  • wadding in the kiddie pool allowed
  • Teamwork...leaders serving ....yes the leaders leading by serving...servant hearts!
  • Awesome Leadership...Well Done Carl!
  • Big Huge Dreams
  • Challenging and pushing to get comfort zones allowed

This is a movement from God....and was incredible. As I told my awesome pastor Mac Richard from Lake Hills Church in Austin (and LHC is on fire too), I have to put this positive energy to work and leverage it!

Just watch Hillsong NYC...because years and years from now, it will stand huge and tall!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pain provides Clarity

One of the most important lessons I have learned is CLARITY!

To do greater things, I have to be crystal clear on my purpose and vision. I can't accomplish what I need to if it's not very clear. In others words, I will never achieve "it" if I don't' know what "it" is.

How do I get clarity of purpose? So many times it comes from a source that we often comes from pain. Pain provides clarity. That doesn't mean it feels good or is fun to go through but it is so needed. So if you, like me, are going through adversity, it's OK....we are growing and getting clarity so we can take these experiences and leverage them for the good!

Got Pain?

Pain... the gift for clarity!

(my son Teddy having a bad day but his pain provided I'm Hungry!)

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