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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No Fear

The greatest life stories are those who don't fear. We all are moved by and attacked to those characters willing to step into huge risks and don't fear the outcomes. One of my favorite movies is Brave heart, where William Wallace is an amazing character because he did not fear anyone. Even grossly outnumbered, William Wallace risk his life in many battles. He was a great character and lived a great life story.

But so many today plan and plot of life story of boring mediocrity. Why? Because they are more concerned about comforts than taking the required risks which are uncomfortable. Most people fear the unknown so they settle for an average life story. That way, although very average, at least it's known. What a shame.

How about you? Are you living a great life story? Are you taking the required risks? Or is your fear holding you back?

No Fear was a brand that energized the youth a few years ago. You saw No Fear shirts, bumper stickers, hats, was all over the place. Today, I think we need an awakening of NO FEAR in our lives!

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