Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My questions for today?

Some questions I am thinking about in our business:

  • What new and creative message can I get out? (Must be Innovative!)
  • How can I reach more people? (Must be Diligent)
  • What new accountability's can I put in place? (Must have be purpose driven)
  • When to start new programs? (Goals with passion and avoid procrastination)
  • Why go through all this hard work? (Relationships matter most!)

Some questions I am thinking about in life:

  • Why are people losing sight of the important priorities? (relationships vs watch some more TV...helping others vs buy more's not all about me vs it's all about me...go to the park with my family vs go to the mall)..And what can I do about this?
  • What do bad things happen to good people? (My 38 year old fraternity brother dying with 3 young girls)
  • Why is fear so controlling and what can I do to overcome it?
  • What can I do to be more transparent?
  • Who discovered coffee?
  • Why does health care need to be some complicated and broken?
  • If money were not an issue....then what?
  • What can I do to master peace of mind?
  • What can I do to take my relationship with Jesus to the next level?
  • Why does my son Teddy ask so many questions? I wonder where he gets this from?

Today, it's only questions with no answers.

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