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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Love what you do!

Can you really be successful if you are doing something you really don't like? No. You may be able to survive and exist but you will not be "really successful" by a more pure definition.

To have this abundance in your life that we all are to have, you must Love what you do. And this abundance is not all about the dollar; although certainly that is a factor. However, I know many rich people that can't sleep at night and actually hate their lives.

But let's look at the factor, the money. You will see example after example of the same story of those really rich people. The money was just a result of something much deeper. They were fueled by a passion and not the money. The money just rolled in as a result of hard work, determination, fear of failure (for their passion, not going broke) and internal success drive.

What if you don't like what you do? Get out today and find something you have a passion about. Life is to be enjoyed everyday. Life is to be full and abundant. Life is meant to be fun. Life is to be lived and played on the field and not in the grandstands watching. Have the courage to find your passion and fuel it by doing it.

Good news: Once you find your passion and a job you LOVE, you will never have to work a day in your life!
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