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Monday, November 19, 2007

Nothing instant!

Have you ever had instant potatoes? No matter how much butter you want to put in them, they just flat out taste bad. You all know it too. There is no comparison to "real mash potatoes" vs "instant mash potatoes".

We live in an world where everything must be instant. We want it now. We will not wait. We are in a hurry. We want it now. And if we can't have it now, then most of the time don't want it at all, and by all means, we will not work for it. What, work for something? Actually do the push ups and see the results down the road? Actually put in the time and energy today but not see progress until later? Actually have patience? Actually have to sweat some and maybe shed some blood and maybe have a few tears? NO WAY! Not interested!
Some "it" examples:
  • Instant wealth
  • Instant happy marriage and harmony
  • Instant friendships
  • Instant communications (emails on phones, music on phones, text messages)
  • Instant results (lose 20 pounds in 1 week informericals!)
  • Instant gratification
  • Instant entertainment

For example: We want to lose weight today. And I don't want to change anything I am currently doing. Just give me a pill or send me a machine that will melt away the pounds today because I have to lose weight by my class re-union next week. Typical right? Guess what; I hate to bring bad news but the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you put in your mouth. Only 2 options to lose weight: You can eat less or you can find away to burn more calories. But somehow, someway you have to burn more calories than you consume. But the reality is that to lose weight, it takes time, energy and patience. There is no instant solution!

All these things take time and hard work! But its worth the wait because the results are so good after you put in the time and energy. Just like real mash potatoes. When you do the hard work of boiling, peeling, mashing, ect; the results are unbelievable!

Do the hard work.....Its worth it!

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