If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time!
Teaching all week in Galveston TX and one of the pillars is about goals. But before you can set goals the right way, you have to first have a deep soul personal vision. What do you want for your life? What does the painting of your best life look like? Once you are really clear on your good life lived vision, then set goals to achieve it.
One of the major problems I see in goals is that lack of aim. You must be really clear on exactly what your goals are in order to hit them. It's this aim concept that I want to discuss here. Aim is a problem for many people. Why? Because aim requires focus. Because aim requires a steady hand. Because aim requires a certain amount of patience. All these things are not found in today's world of needing instant gratification and instant results. Goals don't work that way.
Patience is required.
So in your goal setting, concentrate on that word aim. Make sure your aim is accurate. Make sure your aim is thought out. Make sure your aim is sure. The result is much better goal setting and in turn...much better results.
Happy aiming.....Chris