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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

"Good Enough" is not Good Enough

Avoid the trap in life of "Good Enough" is good enough!

How many times do we tell ourselves: well...that is good enough and then we stop trying or stop improving? TOO MANY!

There is a real life trap out there in the rugged plains of reality called COMPLACENCY! Avoid it at all costs. Once we start to settle for good enough, it becomes a pattern and a plague. We tend to then repeat it and repeat it; never pushing ourselves for improvement and gain. And that is a shame.

The good news is once you are taught and learn this lesson; it is easy to avoid. How? Just never accept the "good enough" standard! Push, stretch, reach, strive, accelerate...for improvement. You and I are made by God who never settles; so why should we?

Simply, we will not settle anymore! Repeat that to yourself...just plainly say to yourself you are done with "good enough" and from now's not good enough! You will be amazed on how this changes your life. And this is for EVERYONE. If you are the most successful, financially secure, happliy married, great life can still do more! So this rule is for everyone! We can all get better every single day...That is and must be the goal. And to do that, we can not settle for good enough!
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