Blog Archive

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today's Thoughts

Saturday thought starters:

  • Why is there a saying: "Sleep like a baby"...babies do nothing of the sort. Just ask my wife!

  • I was at the office at about 4:30 am today knocking out some projects...I was blessed with a high motor!

  • You have to DO STUFF in order to make progress. That to me is so easy to understand! I don't why more people miss this. (Proud to say, I have got some stuff done today already...more to still do)

  • Must get caught up on some reading! Reading: The best habit in the world and only of the only things that you can do your entire life!

  • Comfortably uncomfortable...Need to keep pushing myself...I hate comfort zones! I love living near the edge (not falling off the ledge but simply near it)

  • I need to get better at asking for help. There are so many great people you can learn from and will help you, but you need to ask.

  • Why do people stay in jobs they don't like?

  • Why do people live in areas they don't like?

  • I have lived 13,740 days! (37 years, 7 months, 13 days old)...I try to make every single one of them count!

  • I love it when my calender is full!

Have an awesome weekend!

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