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Monday, September 15, 2008

Frosting and Cake

I was asked this question recently: "Chris, what makes a WOW producer; what do those people who really get stuff done in this life actually think about and how to they behave?"

My answer: "They have more cake than frosting!"

But that is so contrary to what most others teach and what the "hip and slick" fads are today. Society today is focused on the frosting only....not caring a bit about the cake. And this is true today in real life. At a birthday party, the person with the "best" piece of cake is determined by who has the most frosting. It's the soundbites. It's the skinny deep subjects that are talked about. It's the focus on superficial. It's the "stuff and things." It's the "cash and flash". That's all fancy dancy frosting.

But that is all just noise.

The real producers...the real mountain movers, focus on depth. They are laser focused on the cake and ignore the frosting. And without question, the best cake is the cake of relationships. WOW people focus on what they are doing relationally. The are consumed with building, maintaining, growing, and seeking healthy hearty relationships.

Focus on the cake. And start and end with the cake of relationships. Sure success's formula right there!
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