- TO...not limits on his mouth
- Mike Tyson...no limits on his money
- Chad Johnson...no limits on his ego part II
- MLB and steroids...no limits on discipline
- Hours awake (my son Teddy has a high motor and if up to him, this 4 year old may never go to bed)
- TV (Thankfully we don't watch much TV...in fact if up to Teddy; he would be outside or playing 24/7). But we are mindful of how much TV they get.
- Junk Food (we are not as good as we should be but we do watch this...again thankfully, my sons would rather have corn in a can than ice cream...weird I know)
- Toys...we simply need to clean house and drop the hammer in this area!
- Good choices = Good life
- Sloppy choices = Sloppy life
- Lazy choices = Lazy life
I am working on setting these limits that forces me to make choices. And by going through these "push-ups" the next step is to identify the critical things. Identifying the critical things or what I call Master Targets, allows us to accomplish the meaningful things in life. Things I am addressing:
- Limit emails (and checking emails)
- Limit computer time
- Limit clutter (home and office)
- Limit distractions...focus on one priority at a time
- Limit "noise" in work and home