Blog Archive

Friday, March 27, 2009

Homeless starting today

Starting at 5pm, I will be homeless. For the next 48 hours, I am participating in a retreat but not the kind of retreat you are thinking about. A retreat to the streets of Austin. With Mobile Loaves and Fishes (MLF at

I will have no food, no water, no wallet, no phone, and no money. But I will have and make new RELATIONSHIPS! As we talk about all the time in our speeches and seminars, we all need to get uncomfortable in life...comfortably uncomfortable. We all need to get out of our ruts and routines to get from "Here" to "There". We can't get to "There" by doing the same things that got us to "Here".

I can't wait for this journey and experience. Follow this and we will update often on this experience. I will be back Sunday night. See MLF thoughts below:

The only cost for this experience is your time. All are welcome. If now is the
time for you realign your priorities around what is really important, and you
feel the call to step out of your comfort zone and experience Christ in a deeply
moving and powerful way, Street Retreat might be for you. Leave your
phone, PDA, wallet, and appointment calendar, and step into a
world of the least of our brothers and sisters...the real world.

“He commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a staff only: no bread, no wallet, no money in their purse…” Mark 6:8
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