**** Question: What decisions should you focus on today?
### Answer: Only the ones which you can directly control.
This included:
- Schedule and Planning...I can control what my calendar looks like
- Time Management....I can control how I spend my time (media/TV did not make the list)
- Attitude...I can control my attitude...it's hard sometimes but only I can determine
- Knowledge and Learning....I can learn something today
- Serving...I can serve others today
Things that did not make the list:
- Budgets...I can't control companies budgets for my services
- Other People...I can only control me
- Economy
- Proposals...I can't make final decisions on outstanding proposals we have out there
- Time Wasters (Don't Facebook, Don't Twitter, Don't Social...Don't do TV)
I view focus like as an investment issue because we only have a limited supply of it...so I treat it just like any other investments. The game plan with any investment issue is to get the highest r.o.i.
With my focus, what gets me the highest r.o.i.? That's where my attention needs to be and not on the other "noise" that is really meaningless.