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Thursday, July 02, 2009

Half way point!

BUZZZZZZ....FIRST HALF IS OVER....Half way point! ....50% of the year 2009 is in the books....

After the first half of the year; here are some things to think about:

  • Are you satisfied with your results? If not, why not?
  • Did you hit your budget and objectives? If not, why not?
  • Did you spend the first half on doing things that make you money?
  • Did your cash flow improve over last six months?
  • Did your production improve over last six months?
  • Did you use your first half of the year time wisely?
  • Did you do something innovative and creative over last six months?
  • Did you invest intentionally in your people over the first half?

If you don't like your answers, that's ok...we have a whole second half left. Time to make some changes is NOW...It's GO TIME!

Make the second half amazing...It starts today. Make everyday count and make everyday a MASTERPIECE!

As my Grandpa would say: Time to get the lead out of my a** and start RUNNING FAST!

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