Blog Archive

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Vision!

In all of our speeches and seminars, you will find an overwhelming topic hammered on constantly and that is the importance of Vision. As the smartest and richest person ever to live on this planet said:

We there is no vision, people perish...said King Solomon

But the opposite is also true: Where there is vision, people prosper!

We get asked all the time about our vision. What are we trying to accomplish? What are my dreams? What part can I contribute to make the world a better place? When it's all said and done for me, what contributions do you want to make?

Here is the essence of our vision (my vision books are on volume number six):

To help, to inspire, and to motivate millions of people through my life, my story, and walk with Jesus Christ with the complete understanding that today, I can effect the life of another human being.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It matters...

Design matters...

Presentation matters...

Don't overlook it....instead, be intentional and focused on both

It separates the good from the great!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Every single thought is either:

1. Strengthening you and making you better.......or

2. Weakening you and robbing you of life
Given this, doesn't it make sense to really work on our thought process? I would say so....

**** Thoughts - Feeling - Actions = Choices

Life is our series of choices we make (or don't make)

If choices come from thoughts....let's make good thoughts to make good choices!

Q: What are you thinking today?
  • Doom, Gloom
  • Negative
  • More wrong than right
  • Mediocrity
  • Addiction
  • Fear
  • Worry


  • Fun
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Right than wrong
  • Abundance
  • Let's Go
  • Can Do

Monday, November 16, 2009


I remember when I was growing up how soundly I slept. Specifically, we had a summer cabin on a lake and I would spend all day outside playing baseball, swimming in the lake, and riding my bike up and down the lake hills. At the end of the day, I was all done and the minute my head hit the pillow, I was out!

But I recall how soundly I slept. It was so full of peace and calm.

But now 29 years later, real life can take its toll and with all the real life noise, sleep is much more difficult. I don't have sleep issues but nevertheless, I long for those days when my head it the pillow it was all over...and full of peace. That's the way sleep should be.

So I am working intentionally on my sleep plan called REST


  • When today's done, it's done (stop trying to always do more and more)
  • Be Thankful for today and rejoice in it
  • Review the day (what worked and what did not work)
  • Reset to the Big Picture...(always keep focus on the big stuff and not little details)
  • Let go and Go Up (it's not about me but rather God and his plan)
But as my teachers taught me: to get good sleep, you have to make a Intentional Plan! Like anything else, you have to work at it. I never thought about it like that but I think it's so true.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans Day

Veterans (both past and present)

Thank you!

You are my true hero's.

You selfless acts and ultimate courage are my inspirations!

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My thoughts have a Snowball effect!

Negative Thinking = Negative Results

Positive Thinking = Positive Results

It's really that simple. But the problem I see is that most people don't Intentionally work on this process. I work Intentionally on my attitude and thoughts every single day. It's the most important thing I can do. Why?

See above.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Create Today!

Great Leadership (and my formula) =

  • Vision : What exactly is the vision for your life and business? Is it big enough?
  • Goals: Set some targets based on your vision to make it come true
  • Creative and Innovation: Boring is out. Be interesting and entertaining!
  • Execution and a Do it Now Mindset: Take Action, Get on offense, Avoid Procrastinations
  • Focus: Use your time wisely...manage your time just like you do money...maximise your resources
  • Have Fun! : One shot at this life so we better have some fun

When I am not speaking, I make sure there is 50% or more of my time used to be CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE!

My Time Journal:

50% Creative ($200-$500 per hour)

30% Working On Business ($100-$200 per hour)

20% Tasks and Doing Stuff ($10-$50 per hour)

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

It's all relative...

^^^^ Bad Times and Bad Events are all relative ******

I remind myself of this powerful thought all the time.


I hate pity parties.
I hate lack of courage.
I hate feeling sorry for myself.
I hate fear.
I hate living in ordinary levels of consciousness (when levels of extraordinary consciousness are available to me...and for FREE).
I hate looking back.

You know what? It's not all about me. In my times of adversity, I need to remind myself that I am not the center of the universe. My tough times are not the most important thing on this planet. And besides that, it's all relative. I tell myself this all the time:

Somebody on this planet would trade my tough times for theirs in a FLASH!

Instead Chris, how about this:
  • Pick yourself up dude
  • Nobody really cares about your pity party and nobody wants to attend
  • Instead, Go out and make a difference
  • Keep on keeping on
  • It's Go Time
  • Embrace Adversity
  • It's all disguised as tough times but in the end it's really good for me
  • Relax...God in control and with me
  • Awesome!

Monday, November 02, 2009

DD + MM = WE!


DD + MM = WE

Dramatically Different and then provide Magical Moments and you equal a WOW Experience!

1. Dramatically Different: What is your AHA in business? Why you? Why should people do business with you? What makes you unique?
  • VISION! You got to have a huge vision that is clear and motivating. If you aren't clear, how can you expect the marketplace to be clear? Vision separates the top from the rest; we see it every single day!
  • Do things different. Be unique. Take the road less traveled. Get uncomfortable.
  • Dream Big Time!

2. Magical Moments: Do the things that make it an experience! Do the little things extremely well from your heart!

  • Take the ordinary and make them extraordinary!
  • Focus on perfecting the BASICS (do the basics better than your competition)
  • Be Intentional (greatness doesn't happen by stumbling across it but rather by being intentional)
  • When you do this little things from the heart, you will be alone because your competition won't do it..Why? It's just too hard for them.

3. WOW Experience!: Business that has the "IT" factor full of energy, spirit, high performance, and passion. Something that can't be copied or duplicated. WOW!

When you are going to start?

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