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Monday, November 02, 2009

DD + MM = WE!


DD + MM = WE

Dramatically Different and then provide Magical Moments and you equal a WOW Experience!

1. Dramatically Different: What is your AHA in business? Why you? Why should people do business with you? What makes you unique?
  • VISION! You got to have a huge vision that is clear and motivating. If you aren't clear, how can you expect the marketplace to be clear? Vision separates the top from the rest; we see it every single day!
  • Do things different. Be unique. Take the road less traveled. Get uncomfortable.
  • Dream Big Time!

2. Magical Moments: Do the things that make it an experience! Do the little things extremely well from your heart!

  • Take the ordinary and make them extraordinary!
  • Focus on perfecting the BASICS (do the basics better than your competition)
  • Be Intentional (greatness doesn't happen by stumbling across it but rather by being intentional)
  • When you do this little things from the heart, you will be alone because your competition won't do it..Why? It's just too hard for them.

3. WOW Experience!: Business that has the "IT" factor full of energy, spirit, high performance, and passion. Something that can't be copied or duplicated. WOW!

When you are going to start?

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