Blog Archive

Friday, February 26, 2010

I don't know...

It's not what you know that is important. Real maturity is knowing how much you don't know.

I have to keep things really simple.

  • Don't do meth
  • My kids shouldn't use a chain saw
  • Being on stilts is never a good idea

That's about all I really know.

Outside of this, there is so much I don't know! But the pursuit continues....

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sunset in the ATX!

There are amazing things right in front of us every single day.

I have been working on this and certainly still am working on: Pay Attention!

So many we speak to and work with tell us the struggles of daily life. They are running around a million miles per hour...rushing here and rushing there. And when you live in this havoc pace, you can't live in the moment.

We have been working on:

  • Slow Down
  • Less is more
  • Pay Attention
  • Conscious Living
  • Pay Attention
  • In the moment moments
  • Stop and smell the roses
  • Stop and pay attention to the sunset on Lake Travis in Austin TX!

It's completely opposite as society tells me...but it's the right path.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Clear Thinking?

With all the noise and chaos around today, I need to make sure I don't fall captive to all those distractions. I need to make sure I have clear thinking.

I seek clarity:
  • Clarity of thought
  • Clarity of focus
  • Clarity of priorities
  • Clarity of time
  • Clarity of strategy
  • Clarity of relationships
  • Clarity of vision
  • Clarity of marketing
  • Clarity of purpose
  • Clarity of my business

It doesn't come easy. To gain clarity, it takes hard work and being very intentional.

But the payoff is huge. And when I have clarity, it's like clear blue water. Amazing!

What about you?

Do you have clarity? Or do you need to work on it? Spend some time on seeking clarity, because the return on this investment is unbelievable!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Managing inventory is a huge issue in the marketplace. Those that can get the most r.o.i out of their inventory have a huge competitive advantage. Organizations, the good ones, spend tons of hours managing inventory and it is a absolute focus.

But what our in our lives?

Do we take inventory?

Do we make sure we have the right inventory (priorities)?

Do we make sure we are getting the best r.o.i. out of our life?

Here is my inventory:
  • My relationship with Jesus Christ and My Faith
  • My wife Kelly and our marriage
  • My boys Teddy and Tate
  • My work and company
  • My relationships
  • My impact and serving others
  • My time and my money...are they in line with the above?

Not even close to where I want to be but on the journey nevertheless...

Friday, February 05, 2010

My stupid thinking...

My Pity Party (a couple days ago)

Nobody shows up. Nobody signs up for that event. Nobody cares.

I should just stop having them.

And how about this Chris?

Turn problems into possibilities!

Yes, that makes more sense.

I think I will change my thinking today!

Man, there are days where I frustrate myself with my stupid thinking. I know there is no bigger waste of time and energy than on self pity. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's negative and produces nothing but junk and funk. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's against what I believe in. But yet I did it. Why? I know nobody wants to participate and talk about my pity problems. But yet I did it. Why? I know it's taking my life backwards. But yet I did it. Why?

I don't know.

But I do know this. I can change my thinking. And when I change my thinking, my outcomes will also change. And when my outcomes change, my life changes. And when my life changes, I can do my job of helping others change their life a whole lot better.

On with the change....

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

My questions for today?

Some questions I am thinking about in our business:

  • What new and creative message can I get out? (Must be Innovative!)
  • How can I reach more people? (Must be Diligent)
  • What new accountability's can I put in place? (Must have be purpose driven)
  • When to start new programs? (Goals with passion and avoid procrastination)
  • Why go through all this hard work? (Relationships matter most!)

Some questions I am thinking about in life:

  • Why are people losing sight of the important priorities? (relationships vs watch some more TV...helping others vs buy more's not all about me vs it's all about me...go to the park with my family vs go to the mall)..And what can I do about this?
  • What do bad things happen to good people? (My 38 year old fraternity brother dying with 3 young girls)
  • Why is fear so controlling and what can I do to overcome it?
  • What can I do to be more transparent?
  • Who discovered coffee?
  • Why does health care need to be some complicated and broken?
  • If money were not an issue....then what?
  • What can I do to master peace of mind?
  • What can I do to take my relationship with Jesus to the next level?
  • Why does my son Teddy ask so many questions? I wonder where he gets this from?

Today, it's only questions with no answers.

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