We all know the relationship between nutrition and physical health. What we put in our mouths as a direct relationship with our fitness and our health. Over and over we have learned this and been taught. Kids are taught the food groups early on. But there is an even more important direct relationship that we don't give near enough thought to; and that is our mental nutrition.
What do you put in your mind? The things you put in your mind have a direct relationship to your life and how you are living your life. Do you put negative things in your mind or positive things in your mind? What are your daily thoughts? What are your daily routines? Have you ever stop to think about it?
Show me a positive person and someone that just gets "it" in life and I guarantee you they flood their mind with positive mental thoughts and weed out the negative. You can't get to zero in negative but the goals is to get as close as you can and then pour in the positive into your mind.
Do this: Audit what goes into your mind! Look at, write down, and monitor:
- What do you watch on TV?
- What magazines do you read?
- What Internet sites do you go to?
- What books do you read?
- What music do you listen to?
It is amazing what you will find. What good are you getting out of gossip magazines and following Britney's story? What mental nourishment do you get from Entertainment Tonight? What positive thoughts are you getting from TMZ? NONE! One of the problems is that we don't stop to think about it. We don't audit it like we do the food we eat. But in reality, when we do think about it... we quickly realize it's all so shallow and doing nothing in your deep soul growth and mental nourishment. (Frankly it's an embarrassment to most of us). So we all need to stop the craziness and let's all fill our minds with positive mental nourishment. What a different world this would be!