Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fire Away Today!

Please adopt the above strategy in your business or life today! But in real life, this is not the case. Most businesses in the marketplace, do this: Ready, Aim...Aim...Aim some more...Aim again...Aim to make sure....Aim Aim Aim; and never pull the trigger!

What I see all over in the market is let's talk, have a meeting, meet again, and then because nobody took action, let's meet again. Meeting after meeting after meeting....On and on, this cycle goes. All the while, no action is being taken. No Firing! It's just all talking and no doing. It's just all aiming and no firing.

Stop that today.

Fire Away! It's OK...nothing bad will happen. I promise. Great companies take risks. Great companies try new stuff. Great companies Fire Away!
  • That marketing idea you have but never acted on: Fire Away Today!
  • That person you want to hire but never acted on: Fire Away Today!
  • That sales idea you have stored away and never acted on: Fire Away Today!
  • That Training Program you know you need but never did: Fire Away Today!
  • That new revenue idea but still sits on your desk: Fire Away Today!
  • That PROFESSIONAL Speaker you know can help you: Fire Away Today!

Today; don't aim....just Fire Away!

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